coil storage, coilstorage, storage of coils, store coils awaiting production usage
coil storage, coilstorage, storage of coils, store coils awaiting production usage
coilstorage, coil storage, storage of coils, store coils awaiting of production
Distributors of rollblocks, distributors for storagesystems of coils
efficient coil storage, storing coils in the most efficient way
rollblocks that can withstand heat, heatresistant blocks
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storage systems, storage products
plastic products for the industry
producers of rollblocks, producers of storage systems for coils
reduce damage to coils, coilstorage without damaging your precious coils
A Rollblocks allows storage of heavy coils with diameters ranging from 500 to 2500 mm. Working with rollblocks guarantees safety in the warehouse and less damage to coils. a rollblock is splinterproof and has an enormous load bearing capacity. the lifetime of a plastic rollblock is long and a rollblock does not absorb any oil.
A rollblock is also suitable for storage outside. Rollblocks are strong and weather proof.
rollblock, rollblocks, roll block, rolblok, rolblock, rolbloc
rollblocks inside your warehouse for storage of coils
Besides rollblocks there are some other plastic storage systems for coils such as rollstops, storageblocks, rollcradles, sheetcarriers, slitcoilcarriers and oilstops.